Life in Clarendon Boarding House

Life in Clarendon Boarding House

Year 12 pupil Amelia Burgess gives her perspective on what life is like in the Clarendon boarding house

What do I think of when someone asks me about Clarendon life?

This is the question I posed myself when I was asked to write this blog post. Is Clarendon life defined by the characterful building which provides a home from home, a calming atmosphere and a social hub? Or maybe it is  that Clarendon win all the sports events... (had to get a brag in there somewhere!). No matter how great these things are they do not define what Clarendon life is really about.

For me Clarendon is all about the people - it’s all about the girls who have got your back in every aspect of school life and will remain trusted and cherished friends for life, and the wonderful house team always there to be a listening ear or a helping hand. There are a few words that we chose as a house to define us as a community.

Fun. Forgiving. Supportive. Brave. Tolerant. Respectful. Kind.

I’m going to talk a little more about the ones which I personally believe really epitomise Clarendon life.

One of the most important things about being in a boarding house is having fun! One of my favourite things about being in Clarendon is the constant warm glow of laughter and real joy in every room of the house. Have you ever experienced that kind of hysterical laughter when you are doubled over and physically cannot breathe because it's so hilarious? Well. I’m not joking when I say that's an almost daily occurrence in Clarendon. Whether it’s when we hurl ourselves down the slip and slide on the first weekend of term nearly sweeping Mr Goodman off his feet, or if it is all the fun and games at Clarendon pink pajama party where the donut wall debuted. Each year group entertainment was super fun;  my personal favourite was a whole house pillow fight!

Or maybe its the daily fun we have as a house that makes up Clarendon life - flipping pancakes while having a dance party in in-house, giggles in sign in during the register (sorry Mrs Goodman!). All these little and numerous moments of fun really create such a warm atmosphere which makes Clarendon life glow with joy and friendship.

Kindness is demonstrated all the time in Clarendon. We hear mostly about the innumerable unknown acts of service when we have our house meeting on a Friday. We have the Clarendon Crunchie award where people share the acts of kindness of the week. This always reminds me how lucky we are to live in a house surrounded by such a loving and kind community. Each girl often goes out of her way to brighten someone else's day - carrying their bag for them or making them a cup of tea or even something as small as having a chat with someone to cheer them up on a rough day. This supportive community brings me onto my final point.

Clarendon life is supportive. I don’t think I have ever experienced a community like Clarendon where it’s impossible to stay down when everyone lifts each other up. My life in Clarendon gives me the support I need to tackle the busy school timetable and give me the strength to push myself to be brave and put myself out there tackling new, scary challenges. And I know it isn’t just me who feels the support of a whole girls house behind them cheering them on. Undoubtedly it’s the moments such as when an older girl will spend a prep session helping a younger learn and understand a difficult Maths problem, or the friendly smiles from Clarendon girl to Clarendon girl around school, or a friendly encouraging message left on someone’s door.  When someone achieves, the way Clarendon girls always come along to cheer each other on is outstanding. I also believe other things come under being supportive, such as being respectful if someone needs some 'me' time or remembering to be tolerant especially when the tiredness hits. Clarendon life is defined by the daily fun, support and kindness we share together which will make us strong and capable women able to face any challenge that comes towards us in life past Clarendon.

To find out more about Clarendon House, please visit the web page.

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