Monkton Mountain Challenge - Dartmoor

Monkton Mountain Challenge - Dartmoor
Co-Curricular Senior

The Monkton Mountain challenge group reconvened at the end of the Easter holidays to continue their training in Dartmoor. The weather was improved from the previous weekend, but the team was challenged with strong winds, intermittent rain and hail, but with enough sunshine to get a healthy spring glow! 

Navigation skills were developed, but the main focus of the trip was to improve confidence on steep ground and we enjoyed some scrambling and basic rope work on Leather Tor on the second day of the trip. Strong gusts, particularly on the top, made this more challenging, but the group worked well together to complete Dartmoor's only Grade 1 scramble and learn some basic rope work and self abseiling skills in preparation for our trip to Snowdonia in May.

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